Dialogue is an important part of The Secret Life of Bees. It is used to explain time period, setting, struggles, relationships, and themes through out the book. The time period of this book takes place during the civil rights movement, while blacks were fighting for rights and equality. A quote that supports this is:
“I've just never heard of a Negro lawyer, that's all. You've got to hear of these things before you can imagine them.”-Lily
“Bullshit. You gotta imagine what's never been.” - Zach
This quote shows the change going on. People had never heard of blacks being successful, having manners, or being able to carry out a real job. Rosaleen is the reason why Lily believed black people had no manners. Meeting August completely changed her opinion about this. Lily was shocked to see that a black person could be polite, or have manners. Also, when Lily meets Zachary and develops a crush on him, she is shocked because people believed blacks werent attractive. Meeting Zachary with his features and August’s polite behavior, she realizes all the horrible things people said and thought about blacks were lies. She realizes her own prejudices and changes the way she thought about blacks. That was the point of creating equality between blacks and whites. Lily was proof that people can change if they try.
Dialogue is also used in the book to explain the different relationships that characters in the book have. The relationship between Rosaleen and Lily are described in dialogue and in thought. When Rosaleen stands up to Lily’s father or goes along with Lily’s plans, their bond is shown. Rosaleen is the first person who has ever loved Lily. Lily looks to her for support. Rosaleen besically raised Lily and is the only person who has tried to care for her. Other relationships explained in dialogue is the one between Lily and Zachary. Zachary has dealt with being a black man in the south. He put up with racism but never let his race stand in the way of what he wanted. He didn’t let it stand in the way of his dream to become a lawyer or his relationship with Lily. By working at the Boatwright’s house as a beekeeper, Lily got to know Zachary which let their relationship grow into love.
- Sophia Chronopoulos